Monday, April 13, 2009

Hawaii here we come...

Yay! Andy won his company trip again this year and so we are going to Maui the last week of April - yay! I love Verizon! I have never been to Hawaii, so I am pretty stoked. Let us know if you have any suggestions on things to do there :-).

We are really going to enjoy it as now that Andy is a sales manager it is much harder to make the trips so we might not go on another one for a while. The top 35 salespeople go, but only the top 5 sales managers go... So I figure we'd better enjoy this one!

I also just finished up my contract this past Friday. I am really grateful to Jay for providing me the opportunity, but I am officially going to start doing the realtor thing full time now. I just need to take the test!

The rentals don't take a ton of time overall, but in the beginning they take a ton. Sometimes it feels like all Andy and I do is work and then do rentals. So we figure my focusing on real estate is a good thing and hopefully will bring more balance to our lives. I am definitely looking forward to a bit more balance!

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